Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm feelin' lucky! Winning A Raffle c/o Female Network and Lavish Lashes Studio

I seem to be eating a lot of my words lately. 

I started my previous entry imploring on how unlucky I am with raffles and draws, and a few days after winning the SAS promo I actually win in a raffle draw! The luckiest part of both winnings is that these are actually services I really, really both have been wanting to try out but didn't have the budget for.  

I opened my email this morning and received a notification from Female Network, congratulating me for being one of the twenty-five randomly selected winners of their Lavish Lashes promo. And the prize? A gift certificate worth P1,000 from Lavish Lashes Studio

The studio is conveniently located for me, and I've inquired about their services numerous times. I'm ecstatic about finally satisfying my curiosity - for free! I entered this raffle weeks ago but promptly forgot about it because as I said, I've had a history of poor luck when it comes to these things. But there's a first time for everything, yes? This seems to be my lucky week! 

To see the list of winners, click here


oOchaOo said...

update us with your trip at lavish lashes studio

Zaya said...

Thanks, Cha! I sure will, I'll do a separate post regarding my experience when I go soon :)


Wow! Congrats Zaya! =)

Zaya said...

Thank you! Hopefully I'll get to go soon :)

Unknown said...

OMG is this Val in the pic? Hmmm..bad pic of her. Anyway, that is soo funny that you won. I'm the same. I always say I'm never lucky and I just won something a day after saying that haha.


Zaya said...

Thanks Becky! And I'm not sure whether it's Val, I just got the picture off the Female Network website :)

September said...

Congrats,we won! :D
Ei, I didnt get the notification email because my FN account is tied to my office email, eh im on maternity leave pa :( how could we claim our prize daw? If you cant post the answer here, kindly send me a PM on GT. Im WhizDy. ;)

Thank you sis and congratulations again!

Zaya said...

September, congrats to you too! :) To claim the GC, you need to bring a valid ID and a print out of the email to their office by August 27. However, claiming hours are only every Friday, so I do recommend you opening your email soon :)

Congrats again! Let me know how yours goes as well! :)

Gizelle Faye | Vanilla Ice Cream said...

congrats on your successive wins!
they are both awesome services!

ps. thanks for following my blog by the way...i've been meaning to thank you but couldn't find the link to your page til' you commented. :D

♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

September said...

Thanks! I'll be back to work on August 16th,so I guess that still gives me ample time to get a print out of the email. :D

Will let you know soon. ;)

Zaya said...

Thank you Gizelle! :) And you're welcome September, looking forward to it!

Mary @Delightful Bitefuls said...

Yay, congrats! Lucky you! Great blog, just found you!!

Mary xo
Delightful Bitefuls

Kookie B. said...

congrats, dear! go ahead and get the falsies! they're fun and they're instant "pretty-fiers"! haha!

do drop by my blog when you have the time!

Unknown said...

congrats! :D followed you back~

Unknown said...

hey Zaya, to answer your question the staying power of nyx city e/s duo in island sunset is surprisingly pretty dang good and I only used concealer and udpp as a base.

Zaya said...

Thanks Carizza! And thank you so much, Becky. The colors are truly gorgeous! Will find ways to pick one up :)

Sybil said...

that's amazing!! congrats on winning! :D

Animated Confessions

Jessica said...

Congrats!! :)

Zaya said...

Thank you so much! I got to claim the prize today, now it's just sitting in my wallet waiting to be used :D

rachel said...

wow congratulations!! (:

Anonymous said...

wow congratulations! i've been wanting to get falsies myself but i just dont know where in cebu to get them :s

thanks by the way for taking the time to drop by my blog :)

Kasia said...

Congrats dear! Cool blog btw!


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